Friday, February 27, 2009

Looking for Signs

I went for a walk in the field to look for signs of spring. The light was dancing on the sparkling snow.

A-ha! The first signs of spring. A few pussy willows poking out from their winter slumber.

Some other trees along the edge of the field were starting to bud.

One thing about winter is that you remember where you came from...

...but you keep looking ahead, anticipating spring.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have given us all the renewed hope we need to get to those first warm days of spring and that glorious haze of bright green that comes with new growth.

  2. Really nice post Ronna. It almost made me wish for the days I lived out in the country near Ithaca. I had a 12 acre pasture to walk through to get to my wood lot. It was the bird activity that tipped me off, and that's the same here in Oregon.

    Planting peas this weekend. Window boxes full of primroses--the sure sign of spring in Oregon is primroses for sale at Fred Meyer for 99¢

  3. Why does Oxbow have to keep reminding us that they live in a different zone? We plant peas too... in July...
