Friday, January 16, 2009

Old Bags

One of the things I love about artist trading cards is that it gives me an opportunity to recycle and (as my sister says) "re-purpose" different things that I might otherwise have thrown away. In this case I've used shopping bags. The one above is from the gift shop at the Botanical Gardens in Montreal. I loved the antique etchings of plants printed on brown, Kraft paper. I cut them out, mounted them on cardstock and tinted them with colour pencils.

These ATCs which are for January's trade are from a Saks Fifth Avenue shopping bag that my friend Carol gave me. The snowflakes were so lovely, I just cut them out and rubberstamped a few choice, winter-type words on top and added a bit of rick rack. Kind of fun...


  1. Ah Ha! I have that bag too and also decided I couldn't throw it away. I was trying to work it into my scrapbook, but I like your ATCs better.
    Pat from Chicago
