Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Time for Gifts

I wasn't sure what to get my cousin, his wife, their two boys and my aunt so I painted each of them a personalized mug. Then I e-mailed my cousin and surreptitiously asked him what the family likes in the way of candy. My cousin and his mom like any kind of black licorice (especially salted licorice) and his wife likes milk chocolate. The boys apparently will eat anything sweet.

Richard and I visited the Bulk Barn in Ottawa and he found "double" salted licorice, all-sorts, and black licorice cigars. (I didn't even think they made those anymore!) We also found milk chocolate Santas, Andes mini mint bars, and red, green and white sours (for the kids). I packaged them up in a basket sitting in colourful candy kisses. Ribbon to be added just before I give it to them...my cats love to chew on ribbon.

My cousin Lucy had a baby last month and although little Luke won't be eating off this plate for a while, when he does, I hope he'll get a kick out of the blue kitty cat.

My friend in Montreal asked me if I could do a keepsake plate for a couple getting married on December 22nd. She suggested two of anything and when she suggested birds, I thought a pair of red-winged blackbirds would be perfect!