Thursday, December 4, 2008

Signs of the Times

It's too bad people feel they have to keep updating things and making them look "better." This sign for the Glen Motel in Alexandria came down a few years back. I drove past it everyday for years and always got a kick out of it.

Another sign on its way out in Alexandria is this "Coke" sign advertising the Meloche and Sabourin meat/grocery store and abbatoir. The store has been closed for years.

I love this sign which I shot a few years ago in Morrisburg, Ontario, about an hour west of here.

Another sign close to the Iroquois Motel is one for the Lamp Lighter Motel.

This little grocery store located just down the road from me in Greenfield closed a few years ago. The owner had a penchant for cats and they used to climb all over the place so I visited often.

I love the old fashioned typography on this sign, taken in Toronto last year.

This sign is preserved, thankfully and kept inside at Sheppard's Motors in Alexandria.


  1. Brilliant. This collection of photos should be your next show.

  2. I just love signs also. I am going to go out and take one of a "Restaurant" in a building - THAT is no longer there - the restaurant. I always get a kick when I pass and read it. LOL - OH, just thinking - the building has new owners - I wonder if the sign is still there???

  3. I know exactly how you feel. New isn't always better! Pleased to tell you though that the Iroquois Motel still has its funky sign and the Lamplighter sign is still there but freshened up.

  4. Oh, these are just fabulous !! I love all those nostalgic signs . . . one glance and childhood memories flood back. They had such character . . . not like the generic stuff you see these days.
    Great, great post, Ronna.
    Love the new issue of ATC Quarterly, too.

  5. I love signs, too.

    I really miss that Glen Motel sign. A few years ago, after they closed, I went to an auction there specifically to buy it, but it was already gone! All that were left were some old chinchilla farm signs that they pulled out of the attic, but I didn't get those either.

    BUT...I did end up with a sign from McDonald's General Store in Greenfield that is identical to the one on the building in your picture. Apparently it was the original sign from the 40s. Got it at auction for...ten bucks! And now it hangs in my basement.
