Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Europa Bakery

On a recent trip to Toronto, we visited Europa Bakery whose pastry chef Antonio creates pastries originating from different European countries. These French éclairs looked fantastic.

These yummy looking flans are Spanish.

Cherry cheesecake? Isn't that American?

These apple strudel represent Austria in the bakery Olympics.

Not sure where Bread pudding originated but hey, these were tempting.

Leave the gun and take the canoli, right?

Something I recently discovered is "Torrone" a nougat confection made of honey, sugar, and egg white, with toasted almonds. At a little Italian grocery store, I found candies called "Torroncini" (little Torrone) which are single bites of this incredibly delicious concoction.

1 comment:

  1. I swear every time I read your blog I want to eat! You have a way of photographing food that makes it look positively erotic.
    P.S. Looking forward to more of your photos (of anything really) in 2009.
