Friday, November 7, 2008

Indian Summer

I'm not sure if it's politically correct to use that term anymore. How about "First People's Summer" or "Aboriginal Summer"? Whatever it's called, the weather has been heavenly this week. Yesterday and today a high of 17C. I pulled out one of the Adirondack chairs (that had been neatly tucked away for the season) and dragged it into the middle of the field and read a book.

You might recall my snow-covered clothesline from last week's storm. This week it's in use (with a tiny bit of snow that slid off the barn roof still hanging around on the side).


  1. You do your own laundry?

  2. I had the same clothesline experience, but get those things in soon, it's gonna rain.

  3. Ronna, next task is to block out this butthead coward addison dewitt.
