Friday, October 17, 2008

Nature in the Fall

This crazy mushroom popped up in the cat run. It's an Earth Star (Geastrum family) and it looks like it landed from outer space!

This little guy was trying to hide amidst the yellow leaves. Hmmm. Bad camouflage for this time of year. Don't you just love his toes?

Our local feed mill always has tons of kittens available for adoption and I love to go and play with them.

I tell myself it's helping to "socialize" them so they'll be ready for adoption. Yah, right.

My own, former kitten Cinnamon looks great against the yellow leaves, doesn't he?


  1. A most amazing mushroom! Love the kittens. As a kid, I spent years looking about Hogsback Falls in hopes of finding a Salamander, and there you have one in your back yard!

  2. Oh I love cats so much
    I think it's WONDERFUL that you go and visit them .
    even if they never get a nice home .... they had some love .
    oh boy ... starting to cry

    I LOVE your cat dishes .
    really SO cute ,well done !

  3. Sandy, those kittens are always adopted from that place. We don't have an SPCA here so it seems like the next best thing. They also have a mill in the back where there are grown "working" cats so it is a very cat friendly joint!
