Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Good Reason for Clean Windows

Richard and I did a good fall cleaning and washed all the windows and screens. And we also removed the screens from the office and bathroom windows. No need for screens when there are no bugs to keep out, right?

While gazing through my spotlessly clean, screenless window what do I spy? A pair of Ruffed grouse foraging for food under my spruce tree. I couldn't believe it when one of them walked along the fence not 5 feet from my office window.


  1. You clean your own windows?...

  2. I would wash windows if I could get some help
    Your husband sounds great
    Happy Fall !

  3. Lucky you with your grouse visit and your handy Richard, Ronna! It's more fun doing those chores together, isn't it?

  4. Grouse are very tasty...
