Friday, September 19, 2008

Zucchini Time

Although not formally considered a big thing for my collection of "Big Things" (click on "big things" label below this post, to see them), the largest zucchini I ever grew was 17.5 pounds. In 2004 it won first prize in the largest zuke contest held at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum's Fall Festival. I've entered every year with varying results. This year's Fall Festival will be held on Sunday, September 21st. I'm not sure my garden holds any real contenders. Stay tuned.


  1. Hey, Ronna baby, my zucchini always wins the prize. Love, Larry Parks.

  2. It's The Portrait of Dorian Zucchini! The Zucchinis get older, but you don't.... xxoo

  3. All those zucchinis are getting me excited!

  4. That's quite a collection! Best of luck on the 21st! Waiting with bated breath!
