Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Henrietta's Pine Bakery

While on holidays in Dwight, Ontario, we stopped in at Henrietta's Pine Bakery, a wonderful old-fashioned place. Lots of really tasty bread...

...and incredible pastries.

Your choice of a moose or bear gingerbread cookie with chocolate dipped feet...

...or perhaps a snowball? In the end-of-summer heat, it's a reminder of the weather to come.

How about a whole (cored), baked apple surrounded in delicious pastry, dusted with icing sugar?

A reminder of the annual Christmastime return of the Nutcracker Suite perhaps?

Or choose a classic Canadian buttertart...

...or the soon-to-be classic, decadent Muskoka Cloud.


  1. No fair! All I had for breakfast was a Luna Bar!!! This place looks great. Lucky I wasn't there... xxoo yer Sis

  2. A feast for the eyes and senses! After reading your blog, all I want to do is eat and make art.

  3. oh I want the apple dumpling
    what did you buy to eat ??????
    looks wonderful

  4. Sandy, I had the Muskoka cloud. I also had a chocolate croissant thingie that I neglected to photograph! Yum-o!!

  5. It's almost too much to bear! These look scrumptious! By the way...I've tagged you! Go on over to my blog to see what I've gotten you into. Only if you want to, of course!

  6. Ronna, this is unfair! I'm sure the scent of those baked goodies were to swoon for. Great pics. Next ATCs drawings of same?
