Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pioneer Fall Festival

The Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan hosted its annual Harvest Fall Festival on Sunday. It's a pile of fun! There are antique threshing machines...

Folks demonstrating spinning and weaving...

...and old fashioned games for kids like the classic sack race.

At the petting zoo, a turtle goes horseback riding...

...and a good dog gets a hug.

There's a terrific horse parade through the streets of Dunvegan.

The horses and buggies come in all shapes and sizes.

A few anxious pioneer gals wait to see if their names are called in the best dressed pioneer woman contest.

Judging that was a tough call...

Here's Bill announcing the winner of the best dressed male pioneer. Our own Hugh P. won the honours.

At the end of the day, even a goat needs something to eat at the snack bar.


  1. Nice pics

    Check my blog at

  2. Why, it's all so warm n' fuzzy where you live - just like a Trisha Romance painting.

  3. What a great bunch of volunteer out in your neck of the woods to put together such a fun day! Thanks for sharing the pics. I wasn't able to get out - maybe next year.

  4. Looks great! Love the parade down the street(s?) of Dunvegan! Wish I had been there with you. xxoo yer Sis
