Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dying for a Vote?

Getting ready for our general election for Prime minister, signs seem to be popping up everywhere. When I saw this today at our local graveyard, I couldn't believe it. Richard said, "Just shows that for some souls, politics is a grave matter." Ouch.


  1. That's real Chicago politics! Equal votes for all, even the dead!

  2. I'd like to know how STEWART participates in the voting process.

  3. Being from the US, I can only say that Florida in 2000 put the memory of Chicago and voting from the grave far behind us. This year, they may deny the vote to people who have lost their houses to foreclosure, while failed bankers make millions. Top McCain advisor, Carly Fiorina, who failed at HP, declares that none of our candidates could run a corporation like HP that just announced a 10% job cut on top of all the other recent cuts they've made. Watch out for this year--the Neocons will steal it again if possible...

    If Canada says "give us your tired, your poor" like our Statue of Liberty, there is likely to be a huge line of US Baby Boomers at the door.

  4. Oh why oxbow... please leave the neocons off Ronna's blog.

  5. Looks like STEWART is dying to vote! Ouch again!

  6. Ooops. Just saw your title and I guess my comment is redundant. Sorry!
