Monday, August 11, 2008

Virtual Vacation: Perch Rolls

While our friends John and Nancy are on their virtual vacation with us (travelling to northeastern Oregon, click here to see more) Richard and I headed "south" to Lancaster, Ontario.

We tracked down the elusive Lancaster Perch, cooked in a former bus... the famous Loretta's Chip Wagon.

Richard couldn't wait to chow down...

...because Loretta is famous for her perch sauce...

Okay, so in the real world, we usually have meals that look more like this: everything on this table (except for the olives in the Greek salad) came from our gardens we picked that day. But we're on our virtual vacation, so a little junk food is allowed on vacation, virtual or not, right?


  1. Indeed! Those perch rolls look like quite the number. Perch poutine anyone?

  2. It's fatal reading your blog late at night. I always want to start eating when you post pictures of food. Yes, I could go for a perch roll right about now.
