Monday, August 4, 2008

Poutine Chronicles Part Deux

On our virtual vacation with John and Nancy, we are in search of the ultimate poutine. While on our art tour, we spied the "Tante Doris" chip stand and knew that John would insist we stop.

So we stopped.

And ordered a poutine.

Good call John!


  1. Wowsa, that looks like THE REAL THING as has been described to me by Richard--the sort of snack that the lads up the line settle down to at 10 when they stop to sharpen the chain on the old Husqvarna. Oh how I wish they would make progress on Aromanet like they have on Internet!

    And, it begs the question, in a country, and I'm talking the US of A here, where a "kid's meal" has more than a day's worth of calories for a kid [USA Today, today], in the land of the obese (of which I am perilously close to joining), how is it that this sort of meal isn't freely available to us? Where's NAFTA when you REALLY need it? We have hockey and Molson for cripes sake...

  2. I'm salivating but will resist. For now...

  3. Must take a lot of martinis to wash that meal down.
