Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Mother's Spider

My friend Kate Strickland who writes Art Vein blog has started "Tool Tuesday" where she asks artists to post their favourite art tool. I'm still thinking about that one. But here's one of my favourite kitchen tools.

It's my mother's spider, which she purchased in 1950, the year she got married. I remember her making applesauce for us when we were little. She loved it (and so do I) because you can throw in whole (or halved) cooked fruit and run it through the spider. No peeling needed!

The wooden paddle (plus a little elbow grease) pushes through all the pulp leaving only seeds and skins behind, ready for the compost bin.

All that's left to do is pour the liquidy stuff into a jar, let it cool...

...mark it and put it into the freezer, waiting to be made into a lovely spaghetti sauce. It'll be a taste of summer when the snow's flying in January.


  1. Hey - is this some kinda infomercial?

  2. oh! oh! oh! I have THE best tomato sauce/paste/broth recipe that was published in Organic Gardening YONKS ago. SO easy and gives you all three for freezing. I can send it to you if you want. Alas, I didn't grow tomatoes this year so I am just a tad bit envious of your bounty. ;)

  3. Yes!! Please send it. Would love to have it! Thanks

  4. Hey! I have one just like that. I thought *I* had Mom's spider and you had the "other one"...

  5. Wow! That's some tool! I've never seen a spider before. It's beautiful as an object and oh so functional! Thanks for the mention! Perhaps you could start a kitchen tool tuesday of your own! Could be a lot of fun!

  6. What a cool tool! (Yes, I'm looking at old posts!)
