Monday, August 25, 2008

Ceramic Stuff

I hadn't painted kitties for a while and was inspired to do them on this unusual, cube-shaped creamer and sugar set.

While I was on a cat roll, I painted a few more cat faces, this time on 4.5" high mini-canisters and topped them with purple paw prints on the lids.

I just loved this vintage 15" x 10" platter from the second I saw it. It screamed "asparagus" to me. It's on its way across the United States as a wedding gift and I hope the happy couple use it for many seasons of asparagus to come...

Summer is watermelon time so I felt inspired to paint it on a plate. Looks refreshing, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting cube-shaped set! I love the kitties on them.
