Monday, July 14, 2008

Scenes from a Wet Book Sale

The Glengarry Pioneer Museum's annual book sale over the weekend is nearly over. Just the final putting away of packed boxes this a.m. is left to be done. Saturday was sunny and busy with tons of people (we estimated 500+). Sunday, unfortunately, was a rainy, yucky day. Our hay wagons full of books, had to be covered with big sheets of plastic and only the brave book buyers came out with umbrellas, and peeked under the plastic for bargains. But by 3 p.m., it stopped raining and we had about 50 folks poking around and by 4 p.m., when we started to pack up, buyers were grabbing books before we could put them away.

I took this photo at a quiet time during the sale when Murphy, the museum cat was doing his volunteer shift making sure no mice chewed on any books.

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