Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mailboxes Etc.

My own mailbox, looking a little rusty around the edges. But I just love my cat flag that I found on a trip to Oregon some years back.

A lovely little folk art painting on the side of this mailbox.

A little log cabin mailbox -- very cute.

Okay, this one wasn't on our delivery route, but I saw it on the way to the grocery store and thought I'd snap a pic. Pretty cool racing car mailbox for a place called Mr. Rad.

I found it pretty interesting how curious these cattle were and how they watched us as we pulled up to the mailbox.

Why does a snapping turtle cross the road? Not sure but he was right beside the mailbox as we drove up.

All in all, a really fun experience. Can't wait till I get called on to do it again!

1 comment:

  1. You definitely need to do a book! These are great photos!
