Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

I just love the Lachute Flea Market, held every Tuesday in Lachute, Quebec. I was lucky enough that this year it fell on Canada Day so Richard had the day off. We headed out at 7:30 a.m. and were there by 8:00!

There are rows and rows of tables of antiques and junk. Further along there are tables of new stuff: ugly caps, leather belts, underwear, mixed in with used VHS tapes and DVDs, dishes, and anything else you could ever imagine (even several kitchen sinks)! And the whole front section is fruits and veggies, meat and baked goods.

We stuck with the local stuff although it's still early in the season for that. But we found beets, onions and local strawberries. Yum!


  1. It all looks wonderful!!! Wish I were there too.

  2. Oh I just love farmer's markets! I wish I was there too, can't get my honey to go very often though!

  3. I was at the Farmers' Market today--looking for the poutine stand, but alas, thre was only falafel, sausages, and tamales. The line for the tamales was really long--would have taken until tamale to get one...chili today, hot tamale! Could I have a rimshot please?

    But my farmers' market was all business and it looks like yours was too...
