Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Folk Art Workshop

My friend Flip attended "Heart and Soul: Quebec Folk Art" last week at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Hull, Quebec and decided to hold a folk art workshop of her own. She asked us to bring a few odds and ends, paint, gesso, and anything else we thought might work on a naive sculpture. If we needed some wooden parts for bodies, ears, legs, etc., her husband Robin, a fabulous woodworker would not only supply his extra off-cuts to us, he'd also help us assemble our sculpture.

I found the leftovers of a circle and decided it would be a perfect body for a cat. I also found a large, flat circle and Robin attached it with a 3/4" dowel to the body. He also added a dowel for the tail. We also found 2 triangular pieces of wood for ears. He did a rough sanding, drilled in screws for the eyes (old, china door pulls I had brought along) and inserted the nose piece, which was an electric wall switch I found in my hardware drawer.

Then I needed to seal up the wood with a few coats of gesso.

Meanwhile...Holly sanded and painted a large piece of cedar she rescued from the back woods. It is to become a garden gnome. Barb worked on a pair of horses that sat on four wooden wheels (that actually turned!) and Flip worked on a big orange cat (that she later decided to re-paint black).

I decorated my cat with a coat of blue house paint and black spots. I also added a bit of pink for his ears and mouth.

Robin helped me find the perfect thing for his whiskers -- some wound up wire inserted on either side of his face. Now all he needs is a name. Any suggestions?


  1. Love it. You should name him Google ... as in Barney Google with the goo-gooo-gooogly eyes... I know that Richard has the real Barney... so this one can be known by his surname (purrname) only.

  2. I was always partial to the name "Ichabod".

  3. I like "Blueberry" but then we have a dog named, "Gumdrop"

  4. How about "Betty Blue"?

  5. How do we know it's a girl cat?

  6. We don't Eve, but he's definitely a Russian Blue.

  7. How do we know he's Russian?

  8. More stuff you could make/sell, Ronna. I can see the $$$ signs and people lining up to buy their own Googles...

  9. ...you mean "Ichabods".

  10. Oh Addison... Ichabod is his middle name!

  11. What fun! How could you not fall in love with your googly Ichabod. Great idea.
