Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The View Out My Window

In Jen Worden's current challenge, she asks: "Share the view out your window. It can be literal OR it can be figurative. Bonus points if you include any other colour than white. Any medium."
This is the view from my bedroom window of the cedars that run along the side of the house. Late in the day, the sun comes up behind them casting long, blue shadows.
And spring is around the corner. I heard my first red-winged blackbird yesterday.


  1. This picture is really great!! It feels like your looking at a painting.

  2. Acutally it's ink and colour pencil.

  3. decades ago
    we formed our line
    we bend and whisper
    as we sway together
    with the breeze
    bark to branch
    branch to twig
    blue shadows at our backs
    our faces in the sun
    contented with our dance

    Andy Sims
