Monday, March 10, 2008

Snow Daze

This has been quite a winter. When all was said and done, the storm that hit the Ottawa area on Saturday/Sunday dumped 56 cm (22") of snow on us. Richard and I spent all of Sunday managing snow. I am taking care of a neighbour's cats and unfortuately their road was not ploughed all day. By 6:30 pm on Sunday evening, another friend who lives on the same road let me know the ploughs had finally been through. We drove over and the road was okay but their lane wasn't cleared of snow. So Richard and I strapped on the snowshoes and walked up their long lane. The cats were just fine.

The view out my front door

This is me making a snow angel on the tin roof of the log cabin. There is about 8 feet of snow that swirled up behind it.

Just to give a sense of scale, this shot was taken about a month ago. Already there was a lot of snow around the log cabin.


  1. Wow Ronna. That's some white blanket! Toronto can't compete with that although the city has been dumped on about every 36 hours (according to the weatherman). This has impacted on the running (or not running) of the transit system. People have to walk on the roads because there are no longer any side walks. One woman was fatally struck by a car. I remember growing up in Ottawa and I always thought the snow drifts made the impression of being in a bathtub . The snow on the roof blended with the snow on the ground - not safe for the roof. But your scenery shows the pristine, beautiful side of mother nature however inconvenient it may be.

  2. brrrrr. You are wonderful people to go thru such great lengths to take care of those cats!! You deserve a medal! :)

  3. That's an amazing amount of snow that you've got there. I'm almost jealous. I miss having snow and after the 80 degree weather that we had here today, in March I'm fully dreading summer.
