Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday

My blog is one year old today! It all started when Carmi Cimicata subscribed to ATC Quarterly and dropped me a note to suggest I start a blog. I resisted but with her help (thanks Carmi!) I managed to get it up and running.
It's been a great blogging year. I met Susan Williamson for lunch (like a blind blog date) and it was like we had been friends forever. She created my blog's terrific banner. I love it (thanks Susan!).
And some of my friends caught my enthusiasm for blogging and started their own. Jennifer Pearson Vanier's blog keeps us up-to-date on her activities. My friend Carol's blog displays her fabulous crafts. And Richard's blog is made up of photos he takes, mostly on the job as a journalist.
Hard to believe that there have been 9500+ readers from 76 countries. Thanks to everyone who has dropped by in the past year. Here's to another great year of blogging!


  1. Happy Birthday!
    I just knew you would be a great blogger!

  2. Mazel Tov... and thanks for encouraging me to start my own... I love your blog... it's a great start to my day!

  3. Oh sis! I remember your first birthday! The dress... the cake... the little sister! Your blog is great, but not as wonderful as YOU



  4. Happy Blog-birthday! I love reading your blog.

  5. Happy Birthday and congrats on your first year of blogging Ronna. Have we only been friends for less than a year? Hard to believe, isn't it?
    P.S. You've not only inspired me to start drawing again, but did some coloured pencil work last night too.
