Saturday, January 12, 2008

Up for the Challenge...

The challenge that Jen Worden posted on her blog this week was to open any art/craft technique book and do the project that you happen to open your book to. No choosing. Wherever you open it, that's the challenge you complete. I picked Bernie Berlin's book Artist Trading Card Workshop. I opened it to pages 48-49 in which ATCs were made with fun foam (thin, condensed foam rubber sold in craft shops, often in pre-cut letters or shapes). I happened to have a small square of fun foam left from another project. I cut it with pinking shears and followed Bernie's step-by-step directions. Very easy and fun and I'm pleased with the results. I would never have tried this thanks Jen for the challenge. It was really fun. To see more entries:


  1. Yay! Thanks for taking the challenge again Ronna. I love this ATC. And isn't it funny how we make assessments of projects before we even attempt them? I found the very same thing when I was working through the entire Metal Discovery Workshop book last year. The very projects I thought I'd hate, I ended up LOVING while the ones I thought, "pah! nothin' to it!" I struggled with. We are such funny creatures we humans. :)

    You'll be entered into the draw which'll take place next Friday. xoxo

  2. Hi there,

    Saw your link over on Jen's site so thought I'd come over and take a peek.

    Nice job!

    This is fun. Isn't it?!


  3. Hi Ronna,

    Thanks for the invite to your blog!
    Love the ATC!!
    Aren't ATC's the greatest little pieces of art work to create?
    Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing more of your projects!
