Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ice Storm 10th Anniversary

On January 8, 1998, our part of the world (Eastern Canada) got hit by a ghastly ice storm that didn't let up for much of the week. Most of eastern Ontario and Quebec lost power. We went without electricity for 19 days. What an adventure that was. I cooked all the meals on the woodstove. The army came every 2 days and attached a generator to our water pump so that we could fill every container possible with water. The sound of trees cracking sounded like constant gunfire. And wouldn't you know it. Our phone went out and my car wouldn't start. Boy do you ever depend on neighbours at a time like that.


  1. I think I woulda been booking a flight on the 3rd day. ;)

  2. Hmmm, seems like it would be the 11th anniversary...

  3. Good spotting, Oxbow. I changed the date in the first sentence to read 1998 instead of 1997.
    Can I hire you as my proof reeder?

  4. Think of all the martinis you could make with all of that ice!

  5. A bit of that ice would have been so welcome in Perth, Western Australia: 44C on Christmas day!
