Monday, November 12, 2007

Stephen King's Cat

The idea came from my (unpublished) Famous People's Cats Too! book but I couldn't find the original manuscript so I redrew this for Richard's birthday gift. (Stephen King is one of his favourite authors.)


  1. Alas, a real Stephen King cat would have morphed into a more colourful creature, a large, robust, tawny-coloured cow that had three heads that would suck the juices out of the chins of all male victims, while the Mistress would laugh. Because he is just a baby.

  2. Dear Anonymous;
    I know who you are and Cinnamon is a baby and that was just a love bite he gave you (and he DOESN'T have three heads!!)

  3. Hey Anon. - I got "love bitten" too - and it got ugly.

  4. Oh, stop it all of you!
