Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oregon Diary Days 9 - 12

We've been off the grid here in northeastern Oregon. Three days in Joseph and Lake Wallowa. Richard and I went up to Mt. Howard (elev. 8,200 ft.) by tramway and hiked on trails in the thin air up there. The Blues festival was a hoot. Two thousand people on a huge lawn, listening to wonderful performers. Next day John, Nancy, Richard and I hiked over to Lake Wallowa which is nestled in the valley of the mountains. Pretty darn scenic.
On Monday we headed north to Timberline Lodge at Mt. Hood. The Lodge is at 6,000 feet elevation, Mt. Hood is at 11,239 feet. And what an exquisite view! Funny to see folks in mitts and toques on the ski lift, off for a morning of snowboarding or downhill skiing in mid-August. And besides that, "The Shining" starring Jack Nicholson was partially shot here, so I've heard "Here's Johnny" coming from Richard on several occasions.
As I write this from a lounge in the lodge, I can look out at Mt. Hood to my left. Pretty incredible.
We head back to Portland in a few minutes, once we check out and our plane is at 7 pm tonight. What a fantastic voyage it's been!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks R&R for a great trip! I'll have the best of the pictures posted to a website soon.

    Hope your trip home was good--I suspect you are waiting for your RED-eye in Vancouver right now.
