Friday, June 22, 2007

Mo' Pie?

I had people over for a barbecue last night to celebrate the beginning of summer and the longest day of the year. Richard made brochettes on the bbq and I made potato wedges and Greek salad. Dessert was a fantastic wild blueberry pie (the berries were frozen and purchased last year from the 4H club fundraiser). Save your fork Duke, there's pie!


  1. Love the pie! You guys have too much fun. Can we move to Ontario and be adopted?

  2. I'm with Nancy. Why oh why don't I live closer to you?

  3. You can have my piece of pie. My grandmother was from Yarmouth and even though she died when I was 5, I've had plenty of blueberries and finnan hadie. But living closer would be good, especially if you promise not to let Dick Cheney in the country.

  4. I'll take your piece of pie!
