Saturday, June 9, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Tomorrow is my birthday. As a little girl, I always had my parties outside in our backyard. When I turned 40, my friends Peter and Ron had an outside bbq-bash at their place in Toronto. There's something pretty lucky about having a birthday on June the 10th.

Tomorrow Richard and I are heading to Hotel Montebello for brunch (very chi-chi!) and then we're off to feed the big animals at Park Omega. Can't wait.

My niece Samantha, who is taking her Masters of Fine Arts in London, England, made me this birthday card. Love it.


  1. Happy Birthday To You!
    Things have been hectic around my place, but I did mean to write and tell you how much I enjoyed the most recent issue!

  2. Many Happy Returns of the day. All the best for a wonderful year!
