Thursday, May 10, 2007

Nutmeg Contemplates World Domination

These ATCs are part of a challenge coordinated by Sharon Zimmer from the Yahoo Group "ATC Online." The challenge is entitled "Map Quest: An ATC Project of Global Proportions." Sharon calls it "a group project with pizzaz!" Each participant receives vintage map bits that Sharon won on E-bay, from which you make as many ATCs as you like, adding your own details and embellishments. You then mail your finished ATCs back to Sharon and she will assemble them into a giant ATCzine.

My ATCs are drawings of my calico cat Nutmeg, whose only interest in life is food and sleep. (I don't think she really entertains the thought of world domination.)

Deadline for signing up is May 25/07. If you're interested, e-mail Sharon at: Cost to participate is $3 U.S.

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