Thursday, May 31, 2007

The First-Ever Living ATCs

I made these artist trading cards out of moss for a show held at the Lis Skelly Gallery (in St. Eugene, Ontario) some years back. It was displayed in a typical ATC plastic sheet of nine. I cut away the section in front of each card(so each ATC could breathe) and during the show there was a water dispenser available to spritz the ATCs. The title underneath the living ATCs read: "Please don't feed the art cards. These living artist trading cards are made from mosses and grasses found in the Ontario countryside. While on display, they will be watered daily or as needed. Rather than being traded, they will be returned to their home when the show is taken down. No greenery was injured in the making of these cards."

When the show was done, I returned each ATC back to the ground and I am happy to say they're still alive and well.

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