Wednesday, May 16, 2007

ATCs: Northern Ontario from the Car

Last spring, Richard and I drove up to Cochrane, Ontario (a 10 hour ride) to visit friends who had just moved there. We had a fantastic time visiting the polar bear sanctuary and seeing all the Tim Horton memorabilia (FYI, he was born in Cochrane). We even took a trip to Timmins (about 45 minutes away) to the Shania Twain Centre, to touch the hem of her garments, amongst other things.

On the way home, I wanted to record the trip on a set of artist trading cards. I had no paper but noticed that the car was strewn with discarded Tim Horton's cardboard cups, brown paper bags from muffins and Tim Bits boxes. Aha! I took out a Sharpie and started to draw the scenery as we drove through it. Not much to see besides the car in front of you, more rocks and more trees. But the one landmark that we noticed as we drove through each small town? Every single one of them had a Tim Horton's. It really is part of the scenery in northern Ontario.


  1. Resourceful, recycling, and incorporating memorabilia. Huzzah!

    Not surprising that Tim Horton's is everywhere. It does detract from the charm of travel, though it provides familiarity to those not interested in adventure.

  2. Hi from NB! I think here it's legislated there must be a Timmy's every hour or two on every highway. Even the secondary ones. Ad every town over a couple thousand has at least one, probably two. :D
