Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Round Robin Journal: The Egg

I'm involved in a round robin journal. Each of us choose a theme (mine is "dessert") and pass our journal ahead, so each person involved does a spread in everyone else's journal. In about 8 or 9 months, we'll get back our own journals and see what other people have done in them.

The theme for Jen's journal is "the egg." I decided to use a quote by Pablo Picasso who summed up his thoughts about the egg as a perfect form. Jen's book is a Victorian photo album and the antique, stained pages are cut in perfect oval forms, originally to place photographs within them. Instead I took advantage of those perfect forms for my own collage.


  1. Oh Ronna, I love it. What a great beginning. Thanks!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Finally made it to your blog.( Now we will get a sneak peek at your journal entries.) Pretty neat. Susan Harms
