Monday, April 16, 2007

Just When You Think Things Couldn't Get Worse

No water. No heat. Then I went out to get my mail and discover that a lovely mature spruce tree got flipped over by the high winds -- right in my driveway. I called Richard to grab his chainsaw and remove it so that my propane guy could deliver my gas. What a day!

By 4 p.m., my propane was delivered and my heater was blasting heat and at 4:30 the plumber came and fixed the water pump (the pipes, it turned out, weren't frozen after all).

All's well that ends well I suppose. Once we split and stack the spruce wood, it'll keep me warm next winter.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! We woke to a whole bunch of snow and very heavy trees too. I really thought that being close to the St. Lawrence would just give us the rain they talked about but a day later, the snow doesn't look like it's going anywhere! This is more than we got for most of the winter! Or is it still winter?!
    I wonder what May will bring?
    Thankfully our power flickered but didn't fail. Many others weren't so lucky.
