Monday, April 9, 2007

Journaling in ATC Quarterly

In recent weeks, I've found that folks have used their artist trading cards as a way of journaling. Each day, they create a new ATC, based on the day's events. The results are really fascinating, so I've decided to run a new regular column in ATC Quarterly that features people who journal on ATCs.

The above set is my own attempt at journaling from a recent trip to Nova Scotia. I had pre-cut cardstock into ATC size and each evening, I sat with my watercolours and recorded the day's events. What a wonderful record of a holiday. The next thing I might do is colour copy them and bind them together in a mini-booklet as a keepsake of my vacation.


  1. I love this form of journaling, and your drawings are so good that I keep thinking your drawings are actually photos!

  2. Hi Ronna,
    I love your blog, and I've recently started my own art blog. May I put a link on mine to yours? I'll let you look at mine to decide.
    Thanks, BB
