Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Girls Came for Lunch

It was our monthly ATC trade day and Elisabeth and Carol came from Montreal. First we had lunch here, then a terrific artist trading card session at the Dunvegan Recreation Hall. About 20 people attended plus 5 or 6 sheets of mailed-in trades. We spent a good 20 minutes looking at all the offerings and then at 2:15, I yelled "Let's Trade!" And the trading was fast and furious. Three little girls from down the road attended as well and they seemed to be happy with the cards they got.
All in all, another successful ATC day.


  1. I lovvvvveeee deviled eggs. Perhaps you will whip some up for the Farewell to the Rotting Deck Party currently skeduled (or is that sheduled in Canada?) for August 7, between rodeo and redwoods and the fossil beds and blues festival...

  2. Maybe you could have traded with the rats...

  3. Seems like there might be a connection a connection between rats and another blog...
