Thursday, March 29, 2007

Spring has Sprung

I am supposed to be drawing for my upcoming art show in September. What with the distractions of a newly unemployed boyfriend and spring in the air, I have not produced very many pieces.

The crocuses are coming up in my lawn (I decided to plant them there instead of in my garden) and the raccoons are out of hibernation and have raided the sunflower seeds that were intended for the birds. As much as I love spring, somehow the long shadows in winter inspire me. A temperature of minus 30C also has a way of inspiring one to stay indoors. Above is a colour pencil drawing I did on a cold day in February a few years ago.


  1. Susan: I changed my post to say it was actually a drawing and not a photo. I didn't realize that when it was reduced it would look more like a photograph.

  2. Don't just sit there - draw something!

  3. There is something truly wonderful about that special time of day when the shadows loom long in the forest. You sure know how to capture it on paper!

  4. Hi, Ronna. Marcia sent me your blog so I'm checking in. Wow! as the kids would say: Awesome. If you have a minute, check out my daughter's virtual store on ETSY.COM - she sells felt dolls under OliviaEw. Her label is Felt like Crying. Between being a full-time fine arts student at Concordia and working two full-time jobs last terms, she didn't make that many items and has sold most of what she made, so go to "sold" to see her stuff. She also does commission work. Cheers and happy New Year. Your mom and dad would be so proud of your work!

  5. Ronna, I think the last message I sent you went out from me as "mum", as that is how I am known to Olivia. Sorry for the confusion!

    Love, Joni
