Monday, March 26, 2007

ATC Trade Coming Up

Here it is, the first entry in my blog. Well here goes...
My artist trading card (ATC) trade is this Saturday in Dunvegan. This month I'm trading a series I did called "Diner Food." Someone once suggested that my ATCs revolve around 2 things: cats and food. Well, that may be so...but maybe ATCs are just like writing. You concentrate on what you know!
In this case, I found a neat little note pad at a scrapbooking store in Cornwall (Ontario). It had a logo for a ficticious diner in the upper left hand corner and some other diner-type images at the bottom right. I had a feeling that I could chop off the bottom stuff and be left with just the logo and also have enough room to draw in some typical diner food images. Presto! It worked. Then all I had to do was get out the pencils and start drawing.
Cuppa Joe anyone?


  1. You made it to the blog world! Welcome and even more welcomes! I shall link to you ASAP!

  2. Wow! Great series. Welcome aboard. I'll put a link on my blog tonight too.

  3. Welcome - nice to see you started your own blog. I adore these ATCs - they make me wish I could draw more that just stick figures... Looking forward to more.
