Friday, June 9, 2017

Ready for my close up

 My friend Deb is an amazing photographer!

 Wasn't I lucky to discover that she was the official photog at Joyce's 90th birthday.

 I asked her to send me a few pix of the kitty cat and butterfly cake I made for the occasion.

Since it was one of my all-time faves, I was so happy that she took quite a few snaps...and sent them my way.

Many happy returns of the day to Joyce. Lookin' great at 90 years young!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Cat and butterfly cake

 My friend Mandy's grandma was celebrating her 90th birthday and I was asked to do her cake. Mandy told me that Joyce loves cats and flowers and I could do whatever I liked designing the cake. I had so much fun!
The cake was half chocolate, half vanilla, the kitten was made with Rice Krispy treats, covered with fondant, the butterfly was made of gumpaste and the daisies were fondant.

Apparently Joyce was delighted with the cake and it fed 50 or so guests celebrating her big day. Happy birthday Joyce!