Thursday, July 21, 2016

A week of flowers

 My sister challenged me to post a flower a day for a week on Facebook. Here's what I posted:
Bloodroot growing by the side of the road. It's called bloodroot because if you break it, the sap inside is reddish.

 Crocuses growing in my lawn. This one was shot in 2010 when we hit 30C in March.
The crocuses came up, bloomed and died all on the same day.

 Dear old digitalis...foxglove that Richard's brother-in-law grew this year in his magnificent garden.

 Me with my lupin bed, originally planted with two packages of seeds I got in Oregon.

 Wild milkweed, so fragrant and so important to monarch butterflies.

 My one, amazing primrose that has come up every year for the past 10 or more years.

The rare Ram's Head ladyslipper that grows a secret location around here!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summer gardens

 I finally pulled my first beets. I planted four kinds this year along with fast-growing turnips. Yum!

 I also planted purple peas which grew to about 6 feet high.

We shucked em tonight. Not as sweet or dark green as regular peas but still pretty yummy.

And best of all? This year no construction! My little wood shed is up, tucked in beside the house and now that I don't have a barn in the backyard,
I actually have a backyard. And I just love it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Dear old digitalis

Foxglove is one of my favourite flowers yet I can never grow them successfully.
Richard's brother-in-law's garden is full of them! Here's one of the loveliest. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Moving slowly

Richard found this little painted turtle in my driveway yesterday, so I moved it to safety. 
It actually hung out with us most of the afternoon and slowly moved away.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Canada Day parade in my little town

 Canada Day in Alexandria, Ontario. We live in a farming community.

 Goulet Septic was all dolled up.

 Fun floats.

 A Pacer wagon was my best friend in the '70s. A friend and I drove to Florida in one. It had denim seats!

 Little horses.

 Big horses.

 There were even mini-goats.

 Our fire department's truck was loud with its sirens blaring.

Here Richard and I waiting for candy. Natalie was striking a pose!