Sunday, February 28, 2016

SPCA Cupcake Day

 This is the fourth year I've participated in the SPCA's National Cupcake Fundraiser Day. The little dogs always seem to be a hit. This year I did them in chocolate and maple buttercream as well as vanilla.

Since it's snowing outside and I'm thinking, "will winter ever end?", I decided to do a dozen floral cupcakes. Sunflowers, roses and two-toned hydrangeas will hit the spot! I hope lots of money is raised for our local animal shelter.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Looky here! A fisher in the woods. So happy my cats are indoor cats. Oh dear. The poor bunnies!

Monday, February 15, 2016

My funny chocolate valentine

This year, instead of decorating a cake for Valentine's Day, I decided to decorate the inside of a cake.Chocolate cake with a pink cake heart inside...the outsides are covered with a simple chocolate ganache.

Hope you had a sweet one!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

More critters on the critter cam

 Views from the trail cam...I had many, many photos of the peregrinations of the snowshoe hares.

 This was exciting. A shot of a fox during a snowstorm!

 And something surprising. A raccoon out and about on February 6?
It has been a warm winter (although super cold weather is expected this weekend).

 A ruffed grouse looking for dinner.

I think this is the fox again, running around. Love that critter cam!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Barn party cake

 My friend Natalie celebrated a birthday last weekend, so I made her a cake with some of the myriad of animals she houses in her barn. (Her husband Gordon's birthday was two weeks ago.)
Saul the donkey's best friend is a wee orange cat, so I put them side by side along with the two ponies. Her goat just had three kids, so they are there in fondant too. Sweet Tristan, her senior pup is tucked into the straw while up in the loft, two chickens hang out with b&w barn cat Keaton. Another marmalade kitty is climbing along the edge of the roof.

Good times and happy birthday Natalie!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Baby goats!

Yesterday was an exciting day.

 I got to feed my friend's baby goats!