Sunday, January 31, 2016


Richard took photos of birds at my feeder. From top left clockwise: American goldfinch, already turning spring yellow; pine siskin; chickadee; American tree sparrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Say what?

It's been a warm winter to be sure but yesterday I heard a bird that sounded unlike the usual winter birds. I knew it was a robin.
Could it be a robin on January 26? Sure enough, I looked up and there he was.
I am assuming it's an overwintering bird and not a harbinger of spring. On the other hand...

Monday, January 25, 2016

Happy 103rd birthday

 It's not every day I make a cake for someone who is turning 103!

This was for the lovely Elizabeth. Imagine all the things she's seen change in her lifetime?
Happy birthday to Elizabeth!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tiger the lumberjack

My friend Maggie asked me to make a cake for her husband Donald's 70th birthday.
What's he like? Well, he is a lumberjack and is always cutting down trees.
And, his nickname is Tiger. Nailed it!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Critter cam updates...

 Yippee, it's working! Two deer snacking in the woods.

 I love these day photos.

 Oooh and this nighttime snowstorm shot is cool.

 And what are those? Bunnies! Yup, snowshoe hares. Two of 'em (one is only a eye reflection).

 We've lowered the camera after seeing how these critters get cut off.

 I adore this photo, with the snow on her back.

Stay tuned for more photos next week!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


 Okay, so I know starlings are a non-native invasive species...

But it always surprises me how their plumage is so beautifully varied in colour. Blues and greens with polka-dots.
I had eight of these guys show up this cold morning looking for breakfast.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Critter cam

 My favourite gift this Chanukah was a trail camera.

 I've always wanted to see what was going on in the back woods.

 Here's a good one of a small deer. At least I think it's a small deer. Kinda hard to tell.

And what sort of critters do you think these are???

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year walk

  On New Year's Eve we ventured into the woods after a 20 cm snowfall.

 The trees had a light coating of snow, almost like a layer of icing sugar.

We had to wear our snowshoes but the trails were still full of prickly ash and raspberry canes.

Happy 2016 everyone. I hope the year brings you all happiness and joy.