Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Succulent cake

 My friends Ken and Yvette celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Sunday and they asked me to do the cake. Their theme was "Sun-kissed and windblown." Each table had driftwood she found from the Rouge River, filled with succulents.

 The cake slab was from a downed tree Yvette spotted one day on her way home from work. She rang the bell and told the lady why she wanted a piece of wood, and the lady gave it to her. Ken fashioned it to fit the cake.

A lovely couple who celebrated with friends a family. Congrats you two. Here's to many more years of happiness together.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Farm to Table Dinner

Last night Richard and I had the pleasure of attending the Farm to Table Dinner, put on by our local (and favourite) eatery, The Quirky Carrot
I was looking forward to eating a meal featuring food that was all locally grown.

 Service was in a barn at Avonmore Berry Farm in Avonmore...Two long tables with hay bales as seats.

Isn't this place just charming?

Tables all set and ready for guests. There were even cloth napkins for all. Very classy!

And I swore I'd photograph every last bit of food offered. Here goes!

Here's our charming hostess Julia serving a terrific hors d'oeuvre:
Corn cakes with bacon, avocado and candied tomato.

Next up? Buckwheat blinis with sturgeon caviar (can you imagine LOCAL sturgeon? Yes! It's from down the road in St. Eugene.) 
Even better, it was served with panache by the lovely Grace, Julia's daughter.

 There were also crostini with butter, radishes and Maldon salt. Fabulous!

 Here's Richard trying wild boar smokies with homemade ketchup and mustard.

OK, my bad. Somehow I missed snapping a pic of the zucchini fritters with lemon aioli (I was likely too busy stuffing my face with them!) 

And we can't forget the Beau's beer as well as a selection of assorted local cheese and grapes.
BTW that's Julia with Chef Bruce beside her.

 The buffet was amazing! Where to start?

 Roasted potato and green bean salad with walnuts and pesto vinaigrette.

 Market carrot and charred corn salad with jalapeno

 Quirky kale salad with shredded beets and carrots.

 A selection of amazing bread and rolls by Fleidermaus Farms.

OMG, all so delicious.

Too many good choices!! (Is there such a thing?)

 Heirloom tomato salad with feta cheese.

 Roast chicken...amazing...served with...

 ...smoked ricotta and tomato mash. Amazing!

 Quinoa-strawberry tabouleh.

 Somehow I missed taking a pic of the ratatouille (under the red cloth to stay warm) but I did eat it and it was yummy!

 Julia welcomed her guests and we all chowed down.

 After all that, there was dessert! Her charming staff served us strawberry-rhubarb crisp with a choice of homemade raspberry or blueberry or strawberry ice cream.

There were a bunch of picnic tables outside and since it was 30C, we decided to enjoy the summer air and eat outside. 
There was lightning most of the night but it never rained. A perfect evening!

I especially loved this photo of Richard and me taken by the amazingly talented Anick Bauer.
It seems to capture the moment so well.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Hobbit house cake

 I've been making birthday cakes for the triplet since they were four or five. Here it is their ninth birthday already!

This year their theme was Lord of the Rings so I made them a Hobbit house replete with gardens, stone walkway and the classic round door. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Here, kitty kitty

 Cat lover extraordinaire Joan, who saves and protects many kitty cats, celebrated a birthday this week.

As a surprise, Natalie (from Knatolee's World) surprised her with a cat cake, which she asked me to make. I decided on a calico, as they are supposed to be good luck. Many happy returns, Joan!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Orange Julep

 I grew up in Montreal and as a teenager, we used to hang out at the Julep.

 I hadn't been back for 20+ years and we found ourselves in Montreal so we went.

 Richard had a burger and fries with a Julep, natch. (I don't think this place even serves Coke or Pepsi!)

I had the toasted-bun hot dog, a side of poutine and a Julep. Tastes like summer! youth.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

1001 Pots

 I'd heard of 1001 Pots for years, but never found the time to go.
But this year we went and am delighted we did!

Pottery can take on many forms including these sweet ornaments.

 Where do you start?

 I just loved this teapot and matching tea cups.

 These covered butter dishes and other cool things caught my eye.

 The big picture. Rain or shine this place is open for five weeks in mid-July to mid-August.

 Love how they group different artists together by theme. Cafe au lait bowls!

 Richard liked 'em too!

 More glorious pots.

Love this display of various artists' mugs. How can you choose just one?

And after all that shopping, they even have a sweet cafe tucked onto the side of an indoor gallery.
Need more info? Here's their link: 1001 Pots
It's well worth the drive to Val David, QC. The town itself is adorable, with shopping, trails and cafes. 
It was a great day trip and I intend to revisit it next year.