Thursday, June 25, 2015

Polyphemus moth

 I saw this moth this afternoon on the ground right near my house. At first I thought it was a cecropia moth.

Later, I realized that cecropias don't have those blue and yellow eyes, which revealed themselves when I placed my finger under the moth so he could walk on my hand.

I was very gentle with him, this lovely creature. He flew away not long after I took this shot. Later I read he was a polyphemus moth and like the luna moth, only lives for a week after mating and laying eggs. Kind of sad. Such beauty and so fleeting.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I love chipmunks!

 I love chipmunks! There have been a few babies running around lately and voila! I discovered their den.

A pair of young ones chasing each other around is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Or something like that.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Summer solstice

Summer soltice. The longest day of the year also delivered the summer triangle: the moon, Jupiter and Venus. This is a hand-held shot-- the moon was not full -- but you get the idea.

 Our friends had a barbecue followed by a bonfire. De rigueur for these sorts of occasions where you are asked to burn items that you want to remove from your life. Hydro bills anyone?

Behind us the shed door was open, casting light into the night. Wish I had a tripod, this pic wouldn't have been so shaky. Nonetheless, it's very paintable!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Poppies popping up

 About five or six years ago I planted an Oriental poppy perennial.

 Instead of the usual red, I chose a salmon pink one.

For the past few years its just gone gangbusters. This one has 12 blooms on it. And all in that gorgeous pinky-orange colour. Love it!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Go Hawks go!

In 2010, Richard and I were in Chicago to celebrate the Blackhawks win of the Stanley Cup. They won it again last night, after an amazing series. Wish we were there again this year to welcome the champions home.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Thomas the Tank Engine cake

A friend asked me to make a cake for her grandson Kain who was turning four. Apparently the little guy is made for trains and especially Thomas the Tank Engine. Here's my version.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Lupines, lupines everywhere!

 About 10 years ago I planted two packets of lupines.

 And year after year...

 ...they doubled...

 ...and tripled...

 ...and quadrupled.

They smell fabulous and the bees just love them. So do I!