Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring cake time

 I love spring and from time-to-time, I'm asked to make spring cupcakes.

 I love all the possibilities!

 It seems to be a time where I can go crazy with silliness.

For the past few years, we've gone to my boyfriend's family for Easter brunch. Here was my Easter cake from two years ago...

 ...and I made this daisy cake for last year's Easter lunch.

I made these red velvet bird's nest cakes just because I wanted to experiment with shredded wheat nests. I love how they came out.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Is it maple time yet?

 On a warm day last weekend we decided to put 4 taps in two maple trees to get some sap.

After the second day, I got 5 cups of maple sap. Instead of going through the rigmarole of boiling it up, I decided to put it in bottles and drink it. Maple water is the new health drink after all.

And after that? Everything froze solid. Today is the first day of spring and it's -9. Onward and upward!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sun puddle cats

Love this pic I snapped of Matzo Man and Cookie sharing a sun puddle on a cold afternoon this week.