Thursday, November 28, 2013

Cupcake Time!

 Chantal and her son Zavier came over to decorate cupcakes...

 Zavier drew his Minecraft characters with edible markers on fondant circles.

 They fit perfectly on top of buttercream-iced chocolate cupcakes.

 Here's the artiste putting on his finishing touches.

 And voila! Here's the outcome, half done by Zavier, the balance done by his mum.

Okay, let's try 'em out!

Monday, November 25, 2013

A Day in Lake Placid

 Last week Richard was on holiday so we took a day trip across the border to Lake Placid, NY.

 First stop was a sign with my sister's name. Actually Mt. Marcy is the highest peak in the area!

 Lake Placid was colder than I thought...I should have brought a hat! No snow at home but snow in the hills (duh, Ronna!)

 Lovely old theatre that the folks in Lake Placid are trying to save.

 Gorgeous blue skies. We walked back and forth through the town and checked out the architecture.

 Love this artful shot that Richard took.

 Walking by the lake...
 Whiteface Mountain I think. You can see the ski trails on it.

 Richard liked the signs.

Some of the lakes further along were frozen. Very pretty.

 Back in Lake Placid we stopped in a cool sandwich place, named after all the trails and peaks in the area.

 Huge sandwiches.

 Nom, nom, nom!

 Scenic as hell!

 There was real snow there! We're expecting a big storm tomorrow
but last week it was a novelty!

 At the Olympic Center...the one from the first Olympics in the 1930s.

 On the way home through in the Adirondacks, we pulled over to take our last photos
as the sun set.

We had a wonderful day...and intend to head back in the spring
when the days are longer and warmer.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Quirky Carrot

 I'm so lucky that a fantastic restaurant opened up right beside my office.

 It's only open during the week, so with Richard being on vacation, we decided to head over.  He had a terrific soup with a roast beef and blue cheese panini.

He took an arty shot of his beet and carrot soup.

 Over on the other side of the table, I was pretty pleased too.

I enjoyed my (hot!) sweet potato chipotle soup and my soba noodle salad. Yum!

Here's their link!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Apple Tree cake

My friend Kathy called and told me about her granddaughter Eden turning 10 and how this was the first year she wasn't able to visit the farm and pick apples from her special tree. So, instead, her birthday cake would feature "her" apple tree along with her best bud, her doggie Fifi. Happy 10th birthday Eden.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Birthday Celebrations

 Last Friday was Richard's birthday so we celebrated with a few cupcakes.

 On Saturday night we had a small birthday celebration with a few friends and for that I made him a cake. This one was a cake with a typographical flair, the image from chocolate fondant pressed into antique wood type blocks I have ... perfect for a reporter, I thoughtI highlighted the date of his birthday in edible gold paint.

 He loved it!

I especially loved what each individual piece looked like.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pizza Party at Work + Cake

Yesterday we had a pizza party at work for two colleagues who have worked a combined 60 years for The Glengarry News.

 Here's our publisher, JT Grossmith, Gaston Trottier who's worked 25 years and Bonnie MacDonald who has worked 35 years, and Kevin Macdonald, owner of The Glengarry News.

 After pizza it was cake time!

 Everyone was pretty pleased with that cake!

I loved the fact that you could eat the newspaper!

I especially loved that the article we used to make into sugar happened to be one about diabetes...