Monday, September 23, 2013

Pumpkin Pie Judging

 Over the weekend, the Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan hosted a reenactment of the War of 1812. Participants camped on the grounds in 1812-style camping gear.
For the pumpkin pie contest, they had to make a pie, right from the pumpkin itself and bake it on an open fire. A challenge to be sure.

 My friend Peggi and I were asked to be judges and taste the pies.

There were five in all and they differed somewhat in flavour. Amazing to both of us that you could actually prepare a pie, in the rain, on an open fire. Pretty great results!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hooked Rug Cake

 My friend Terry celebrated a birthday this past weekend and her husband suggested I do a cake based on one of her hooked rug designs.

It was like rug hooking with buttercream icing. What fun. Terry just loved it too...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Algonquin Park Trails

 Over our holidays a few weeks back...

 ...we headed over to Algonquin Park...

 ...where we spent the day.

 We walked three different trails...

 ...some with cliffs...

 ...some with lakes...

 ...all with magnificent trees.

We loved all three trails and next year intend to try one of the longer circuits.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Barn Raising Cake

 My friend Bev moved a barn and raised it on her property over the summer.

Last weekend she had a celebration for all the good folks who helped her raise the barn.
And guess what? I made the cake for the occasion!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Quirky Carrot cake

My friend Julia is opening a cafe in Alexandria, Ontario and yesterday there was an event held where the premises were blessed. Here's her terrific logo, designed by Anik Bauer.

And here's the cake I made for 50 or so guests who attended the ceremony. 
Those lettering classes at art school sure came in handy.