Friday, November 30, 2012

All Aboard!

Vanilla birthday cake for Sean who not only loves train travel, he's also a miniature train collector!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Richard's Chainsaw Cake

 I've wanted to make a chainsaw cake for Richard for a few years now but always chickened out!

But this year, I finally bit the bullet and did it! And the birthday boy was delighted.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Time for Kittens

 Okay, anytime can be kitten time. I found these little guys in a friend's garage. She didn't want them and I feared they'd grow up and have to fend for themselves in the bush. But...I was so happy I found them both homes! And I hear both are doing quite well in their new homes; one in Alexandria and the other in Ottawa.

I came THIS close to taking this little guy home with me. Three is enough for now...until my next cat or kitten shows up and has nowhere to go...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Doggies

Mark's has two dogs -- Coco, a maltipoo and Carlos a shih-tzu. Here are their likenesses in buttercream icing, wishing him a happy birthday on a French vanilla cake with mocha icing. Happy 70th to Mark!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Taking Time Off

I've been away from my blog but after a bit of time off, I'm BACK!
Don't think I'll be blogging every day because frankly, I don't have that much interesting stuff to share. But, I will be posting pix of cakes and cats and things outside my window.
Stay tuned!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The End...?

I got a notice that I've used up all my space for this sure what I'll do next.
Please stay tuned!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Posing Pumpkins

I was in Hawkesbury last weekend where they had an event for kids for Halloween. But behind the picnic tables set up for painting were pumpkins.

 Lost of pumpkins. Pumpkins pumpkins everywhere.

 There were pumpkins posing in front of giant Swiss chard...

And even a pumpkin in a pansy patch. Sweet.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Richard got this amazing photo of a hummingbird last month in Berkeley, California while we were waiting for the bus. I'm not sure what kind of hummer it is but love how you can actually see the wings. Usually they are just a blur!