Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Running Shoe Cake

Our last exercise class for the season was last night and we ended it with a little potluck snack and party. I brought the cake.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Having One of Those Days

My satellite is not communicating with my e-mail program. Or so I was told after 1.5 hours on the phone with the so-called "help" desk. We unravelled my e-mail, which couldn't send anything and put it back together so that I couldn't send or receive. I called my trusty computer guy who luckily, ran over here and reassembled my computer but we still couldn't send any mail. I got another satellite guy on the phone who immediately told computer guy that there was a problem. Now why couldn't they have told me that in the first place?
P.S. Am still having problems today. Nothing in the digital world is simple, is it?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Asparagus Platters

I've started painting my ceramic stuff again in an effort to build up inventory for a future show. These asparagus platters are really fun. They measure an ample 12.5" x 8.5" and would be perfect for a pile of freshly steamed asapargus. Yum!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Aunt Sylvia's 90th Birthday

Here's my aunt Sylvia as a wee baby in 1918 in Calgary, Alberta.

Here's my aunt 90 years later. Lookin' good, eh?

We celebrated Aunt Sylvia's 90th birthday last night in Ottawa at my cousin's home. Lots of food and family. Lots of fun. Happy birthday Aunt Syl!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Chocolate Cupcakes

I made cupcakes for the Glengarry Pioneer Museum potluck AGM which was held last night. They kind of look like the "Cupcake-a-day" artist trading cards I'm trading at our monthly session later on today.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The End of the Show

My art show gets taken down this weekend. Time flies, eh? But the good news is that someone bought the "Abandoned Truck" this week. I'm happy it'll have a good home.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back to the Ceramics

Since my art show is done, I've started to paint china again. What fun! This set was commissioned by a gal I know at Curves who is giving it to her daughter for her birthday. Apparently Lyne is just crazy about teddy bears, so the dishes should be a hit.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dots Still Needed!

The challenge for the centre spread in the summer issue of ATC Quarterly is "Polka Dots." Deadline is May 15th. We've gotten some fantastic cards but there's still room for a few more. Anyone out there inspired? E-mail me your dotty ATCs: or snail mail them to me (with an SASE if you want them back)to: ATC Quarterly, 19698 County Road 24, Dunvegan, ON K0C 1J0 Canada.
Hope to hear from you!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cupcake-A-Day ATCs

Not just a little vanilla or chocolate snack anymore, cupcakes are now baked in a myriad of flavours. There are some bake shops in big cities that sell ONLY cupcakes. And in the past few years there seems to be a trend of serving elegant tiers of cupcakes at weddings as the cake.
These artist trading cards are done using an old desk calendar...a cupcake-a-day was the original idea but I got a little carried away with the drawing and then adding stars and swirled rubberstamps in the background. Now you can hardly even see the original desk calendar.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Resting in the Sun

Some raking got done. Humidifier put away. Clothesline went up. But mostly sitting in the sun doing the Sunday Times crossword puzzle.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

What a Gorgeous Weekend

Richard and I took out the lawn chairs and soaked in the sun. We're still feeling pretty lousy from the lingering cough and heavy chest syndrome from those colds we've been carrying around, so minimal yard work got done. We did manage to plant the pansies in the window boxes though. 24C in April? Unreal.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring is Popping Out All Over

My lawn looks so cute I can't stand it.

A few years back I planted crocuses in it and as the snow receeds, the crocuses pop up!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Glengarry News

Well, I made the big time! Here's an article that ran in our local newspaper. Look out New York Times. (P.S. I really didn't sell everything at the show, but it sure sounds good, doesn't it? Just proves the old adage, don't believe everything you read.)
Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Birds are Back

The Robins are back in full force. I love hearing them near dusk singing their distinctive song. This morning, for the first time, I heard a Phoebe's call and a few moments later, a pair of Mallard ducks flew over, quacking up a storm. Spring is finally here!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Last Snow

This is pretty much what it looks like out there in the woods...or almost. By the time Friday hits and it gets to the 20C they predict, we'll finally see the end of the snow! Yippee!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

My Art Show is Up!

The vernissage was yesterday and boy, did I ever have fun. I am hoarse from talking so much. What a fantastic day!! Saw tons of people and I was just sorry that the day went by too quickly.
I'll start posting some of my drawings on my blog, now that the show is up. This one is entitled Through the Cedars.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Big Things: Update

My collection of "Big Things" (click to see 'em) keeps growing. Here I am with Paul Bunyan's ox Babe in California last summer. Unfortunately, Babe had a small accident and lost his head. To see more click on my friend John's blog: Oxbow Congregation

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Busy as Beavers

Even the beavers are doing some spring cleaning...or whatever beavers do. We saw one having his dinner and madly chomping on a stick; his mate swimming toward him a little further downstream.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Show is Up!

I went to the gallery and put up all the sales tickets under the framed and hung drawings. The show looks fantastic. "April Woods" (above) which appeared on the invitation is the first thing you see when you come up the stairs. The opening is on Sunday and I'm pretty jazzed...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring has Definitely Sprung!

These crocuses managed to push themselves up through the snow. Remarkable.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Equipment Failure

Slogging through wet snow, pulling in wood this weekend, our "equipment" was showing signs of wear. We lost a snowshoe binding, the bungee cord broke and the toboggan is looking mighty tired after 2 years of carrying wood on it's broken wooden slats.
On the upside, Richard and I had our first picnic of the season. I brought out hot tea and cookies, deep into the back woods and we sat on a couple of stumps and breathed in the warm, spring air.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Claudine Hellmuth's Blog

ATC Quarterly's spring issue highlighted the charming work of Claudine Hellmuth and her "Poppets." Claudine just posted it on her blog. Be sure to check it out at: Thanks Claudine. Working with you was a delight!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Out in the back woods today, hauling more wood. Richard broke the binding on a snowshoe and had to hobble back on one; quite a sight. I loaned him mine and decided I'd be okay without them, so off I went. With the very warm temperature and spring sun, I fell through about 4 feet deep and couldn't get my boot out. Stuck there on top of the snow, with one boot on and stocking foot on the other, Richard came to my rescue (my hero) and dug out my boot!
All the while, the chickadees followed us through the woods, singing their spring call. Off to find a spare pair of snowshoes...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Polar Bears

Richard and I visited friends in Cochrane, Ontario a few years back where there is a polar bear sanctuary. These are some photos I took of them when they were having their dinner.

Here's one Richard took of me with the bears.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Of all the cats, Nutmeg is the most fun to draw. First reason. The colouring of her fur is so interesting and graphic. Second reason? She holds her pose for hours!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spring has Sprung

A sure sign of spring. The Dairy Queen is open!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Poisson d'Avril ATCs

Happy April Fool's Day (also known as "Poisson d'Avril"). And I'm not pulling your leg!